Astral Travel, Dreams and Akashic Records
It is with great sadness that we have to anounce that Crystal Alchemy no longer ship Essences outside of South Africa. The local laws have become so strict with regards to shipping of liquids and even homeopathic pillules. Parcels are simply returned and don't even leave South Africa. The only other way to get essences to our international clients is with a courier service, but unfortunately this is too expensive for most people. If you would like to try the courier route, contact us directly and we'll see what we can do.This essence enables communication with universal dimensions, whilst retaining the higher knowledge learned from these higher realms. Calming and quietening the mind, and protecting the aura, it facilitates downloading from the Akashic Records and acts as a springboard to inner exploration. Attuned to the future, yet connected to past lives, it raises kundalini, promotes lucid dreaming and assists with astral travel.
The crystals used in this essence are:
- Tektite — Opens communication with other dimensions. Strengthens the aura. Encourages spiritual growth through absorption and retention of higher knowledge. Links creative energy and matter.
- Moldavite — Enhances the effect of other crystals, taking them to their highest vibration. Communication with higher self, ascended masters, cosmic messengers and extraterrestrials. Takes you beyond your limits and boundaries. Downloads information from the Akashic Records and the light body which then is processed and made conscious.
- Alexandrite — Connection to source energies of higher dimensions. Acts as a springboard to inner exploration. Facilitates accessing the Akashic Records.
- Apetite — Attuned to the future, yet connected to past lives. Raises kundalini and aids communication on all levels. Helps to access information to be used personally and for the collective good.
- Creedite — Expansion of one's field of awareness. Access-key stone for all kinds of encoded spiritual information. Attuning to the Akashic Records and understanding the messages of spirit beings. Open portals to higher spiritual realms.
- Danburite — Linking into Angelic Realms. Promotes lucid dreaming and astral travel.
- Fairy Quartz — Facilitates out-of-body journeying. Encourages insightful dreams. Stimulates heightened awareness and psychic perception.
- Herkimer Diamond — Linking into guidance from higher dimensions and promotes dream recall and understanding. Blocks geopathic stress and clears electromagnetic pollution.
- Aqua Aura — Frees you from limitation. Clears pathways of inter dimensional communication. Reduces stress. Protects against psychic or psychological attack. Discourages malevolent or parasitic energies from interfering with one's energy field. Stops energy drain or spiritual vampirism.
- Labradorite — Connects with universal energies. Facilitates initiation into the mysteries. Brings messages from unconscious mind to the surface and facilitates their understanding. Calms the overactive mind.
- Magnesite — Enhances visualisation and imagery. Encourages waking dreams (lucid dreaming) and astral journeying. Enables one to reach higher states of consciousness. Effective in creating a bridge between higher realms and the Earth plane. Assists in attuning to the Akashic Records.
- Scolecite — Enhances restful sleep and sweet dreams. Lifts one to higher realms. Promotes lucid dreaming. Used for journeying
Cavansite — Clear insight and articulate communication. Access to the Akashic Records and the inner library. Allows one to relax and let go of outmoded ideas. Connection to higher guidance. - Stilbite — Calm and effortless expansion into the astral realm. Quiets the mind's inner dialogue, bringing inner peace and frees the Self. Stilbite is known as the "Dream Maker".